I've got three more finished things to report. Socks, mittens and a reindeer...
Ravelry is almost ready to go live and all my projects are documented on there so I'm going to include a link to Ravelry rather than type all the details in each blog post. I hate doing the same job twice!
I cast off the Denmark socks on Saturday. This is the second time I've attempted this pattern and this time, for some obscure reason, I like it! The wool felt quite harsh while I was knitting it but has softened up quite nicely after washing. Details on Ravelry.
I've also cast off the Corazon mittens. I really like these and am quite impressed with my colour stranding. Its been about 18 years since I did any knitting like this. I found the Sublime yarn to be a bit splitty but it has knit up beautifully so I can forgive it. Details on Ravelry.
Finally, I've finished sewing together the reindeer toy. Named Rudolph, of course, just look at that nose! He's a bit floppy so I'll probably put something in his legs and neck to keep him upright. At the moment he looks like he's had a very good Saturday night out... Details on Ravelry.